Yesterday, Ichiro passed
Pete Rose on the all time hits list. That is a total of both his hits in the Major League and the Japan Pacific League. When Rose broke
Ty Cobb's record in 1985 he was playing against the Padres. Ichiro and the Marlins were also playing against the San Diego Padres.

The Padres were wearing throwback uniforms last night. It would have been just too perfect if these had been 1985 era unis but they were wearing their 90's era unis. The Padres wore this style from 1991-2001. Here is a 1993 Topps throwback card of
Melvin Upton Jr. from yesterday's game. As a point of contrast here is the late, great
Tony Gwynn on his actual 1993 Topps card. Mr. Padre passed away two years ago today. As usual, the exposed stirrups are missing. The other difference is the matte finish of the modern batting helmet.
Bonus Thowback Thursday Contest
I stated that I could not find a single baseball card from any year/manufacturer to feature that hat. The closest I could find was this cover of
The Sporting News from 1976 featuring
Larry Bowa.
So I put out this challenge: If anybody can find a card featuring this cap on a 1976 Phillies player or coach, I will send them ten '70s era cards from the team of their choice.
It can be a local team issue card, a card from another team with a Phillie in the background, or even a recent "retro" card (IE Archives, UD Vintage, Allen & Ginter, etc.). It just has to be an actual card that shows the Phillies pillbox cap.
Just to be clear, I don't need the physical card just a link to a picture of it. On, eBay or whatever.